Instructions: Answer each question only once. You can not go back and change answers. To receive your score at the end of the test, press the "END TEST" button. There is no answer key..bwahaha!
Question 1
Who was water Commissioner for the city of Ashville?
A) Grand daddy Charles Henry Bartlett Sr.
B) Charles Henry Bartlett JR, better known as Uncle JUN
C) Messy, better known as Mary Esther
D) Rhonda King
Question 2
Who was a policeman in Ashville?
C) Phil Carlman
D) Grandfather SGT Jacob Straley Bartlett
Question 3
Who was a beauty queen?
A) Rhonda King
B) Lori Booker
D) Aunt Mable
Question 4
Who was captain of her high school gymnastics team?
A) Lori Booker
B) Rhonda King
C) Aunt Mable
D) Messy, better known as Mary Esther
Question 5
Who served on the school board in Beverly Massachusetts?
A) Phil Carlman
C) Cherie Carlman Kennedy
Question 6
Who was a selectman in south Hampton Massachusetts?
A) Christopher Beeman
B) Barbara Bartlett Foster
C) Uncle MO
D) Phil Carlman
Question 7
Who was with general Lee at the surrender in Gettysburg at the end of the civil war.
A) Uncle Bubba Charles Samuel Bartlett JR
B) Grandfather SGT Jacob Straley Bartlett
C) Josiah Bartlett
D) Grand daddy Charles Henry Bartlett Sr.
Question 8
Who lived to be 120 years old?
B) Grandmother Aggie Bartlett
C) Uncle Bubba Charles Samuel Bartlett JR
D) Charles Henry Bartlett JR, better known as Uncle JUN
Question 9
Who is Dr. Ricks?
A) Brent Kennedy
B) Christopher Beeman
D) Uncle Joe Bartlett
Question 10
Who was the best youngin?
A) Christi Booker
B) Brent Kennedy
C) Grandaddy Bart Bart
D) Uncle MO
Question 11
Which aunt smoked cigars and kept the boys in line with her whit?
A) Aunt Mable
B) Betsy Bartlett Beeman
C) Rhonda King
D) Lori Booker
Question 12
Who was a WW2 test pilot and died testing the p-38?
A) Josiah Bartlett
B) Uncle MO
Question 13
Who was old blue on the radio?
A) Uncle MO
B) Uncle Joe Bartlett
Question 14
Who signed the Declaration of Independence?
C) Grandfather SGT Jacob Straley Bartlett
D) Josiah Bartlett
Question 15
Who did the hula on a University of Florida parade float?
A) Beverly Carlman
C) Sarah Moore
Question 16
Who brought a home a monkey from her lab?
A) Cherie Kennedy
C) Betsy Bartlett Beeman
D) Heidi Carlman
Question 17
who was the first girl to win the swim race?
A) Cherie Carlman Kennedy
D) Betsy Bartlett Beeman
Question 18
Who was a football hero?
B) David Steedman
C) Brent Kennedy
D) Chris Beeman
Question 19
Whose cat won best in show?
B) Phillip King
C) Jamie Booker
D) Brent Kennedy
Question 20
Who is a budding ballerina?
B) Julie Booker
D) Adrienne King
Question 21
Who is an exceptional poet?
B) Adrienne King
D) Megan Steedman
Question 22
Who wants to be a neo-natal doctor?
A) Jamie Booker
C) Lori Booker
D) Christy Booker
Question 23
Who Wants to be an Entomonologist?
A) Jamie and Julie Booker
B) Christy Booker
Question 24
Who wants to swim with dolphins?
A) Bill King
Question 25
Who was supposed to be a girl?
A) Phillip King
B) Blair Steedman
D) Grand Daddy Bart Bart